Life on the Palouse

from lake superior to wheatfields, from grad student to professor, from my sauna to ... i haven't figured that out yet


sort of unpacked

so the upstairs of the house is about as put together as it's going to get until we finish up the basement and move the tv.

the kitchen, notice the nice new black fridge. oooh, and we sold our old fridge tonight which was incredibly exciting and a bonus $200. yippee.

the dining nook, although we're pondering moving it to the office space. that won't make much sense via these pics, but if you were in the house you might get it. still, it works good for now.

the living space. that chair is sort of floating right now, but it works. also, the tv won't be staying there, but again, it works for now.

the office/bar:

and finally, the back stairwell which is going to be our picture hallway.

and there you go. tahdah.


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