Life on the Palouse

from lake superior to wheatfields, from grad student to professor, from my sauna to ... i haven't figured that out yet


new hair!

Jeff and I had today off for Veteran's Day (hoorah for being state employees!). I had a massage at 10, and a haircut at 2:30. My new masseuse is so so so cheap it's absurd. She's new and tyring to get clientele, so she's only $55 for TWO hours. She's also really good. Lovely. After the massage Jeff and I went to Moscow for lunch, then chair shopping (still haven't quite decided on anything, therefore mom and Mark will be sitting on the floor....oops). Then I went to get my haircut at a new place some women Jeff works w/ had recommended. I was spaced out from the massage and pretty much just let her do what she wanted. Here's what I ended up with (bad lighting, web cam photo, sorry):

I like it I think. Bangs and red, wacky.

So last weekend Jeff and I went to Spokane for the day to get some shopping done. It only takes about an hour and 15 minutes to get there, and there's a huge mall, Target, restaurants, all that city crap that you just need to do once in awhile. This past week was pretty hectic as I now have advisees so that's a lot of extra meetings. I'm also working on an article with Cheryl and a book proposal with Anne Wysocki. Not a super stressy week, just pretty full.

Tomorrow there's a pow wow in Moscow so we might check that out. Chris and Sharon and kid are going to probably come down from Coeur d'Alene for dinner tomorrow, so that should be fun. Mom and Mark get here a week from tomorrow, time is moving so fast!

So that's really about it from here. Work, new hair, commerce. There you go.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new hair suits you, I think.

Also, hi.


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